Friday, 2 May 2008

Major Alexander Matthew Blake, died on Wednesday when hang gliding in the area of Cenes de la Vega in the Sierra Nevada in Granada

British naval officer, Major Alexander Matthew Blake, died on Wednesday when hang gliding in the area of Cenes de la Vega in the Sierra Nevada in Granada. He was in Andalucía to take part in a military exercise in Málaga, and is said to have lost control during a dangerous aerobatic manoeuvre around 6pm on Wednesday night.EFE news agency reports that the man was attended to by the Guardia Civil and emergency services, but they could do nothing to save his life.The British consul in Granada said she thought the man could be part of the crew of a Navy vessel and had come to the sierras as many do for enjoyment. Club Draco which organises the hang gliding classes the area said they are often visited by members of the British military. Indeed there was another British fatality in the area some ten years ago.
The dead man had visited the area many times before and had posted a message on the internet shortly before he died, saying how much he loved the sport.
His body has been transferred to Málaga from where the repatriation will be carried out by the British military.The Guardia Civil have meanwhile opened an investigation.



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