Tuesday, 22 April 2008

The preliminary report from the Civil Guard into the Benalmadena bypass accident

The preliminary report from the Civil Guard into the accident, which says that the KIA was travelling at excessive speed for the conditions at the time, and that the overtaking manoeuvre on the left saw a collision first with the central reservation which caused a rebound into the bus which then turned over. The definitive report on the accident is now expected in a few days time.
13 of the injured in the accident remain in different hospitals in the region. A total of the 12 victims from the accident have now returned to Finland after receiving permission to do so from the doctors.
The 27 year old driver of the new black KIA four wheel drive vehicle which was in collision with the coach in Benalmádena on Saturday night, in the accident which left nine Finnish tourists dead, and who is considered to have caused the accident by travelling at excessive speed and losing control on a curve, has been released from custody by the Instruction Judge in Court One in Torremolinos today. The judge said he had taken the decision because, according to forensic reports the 27 year old is not in a condition to appear before the court. He will need at least another 15 days recovering from his injuries in the Carlos Haya Hospital in Málaga before he is expected to be able to make a declaration. The judge has therefore decided to wait until his health has improved before making any decision on his legal situation. The judge called on the hospital to advise him with sufficient notice when the man is able. He has undergone surgery to his back following the accident.



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