Thursday, 31 January 2008

Nowhere to hideCrimestoppers and SOCA hunt more UK criminals in Spain

James Walter TOMKINS – aged 58 (place of birth: London) – Metropolitan Police ServiceOffences: It is alleged that Tomkins murdered Rocky DAWSON in Hornchurch, Essex on 2May 2006. He is also wanted for the possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.There is a £20,000 reward for information leading to Tomkins’ arrest.Description: M1.73 tall, medium to stocky build, scar close to left eye, scar on brow,scar on right side of neck, sometimes wears a close cut beard. Has links to Marbella,Fuengirola, Porto Banus and Benidorm.Aliases and nicknames: Raymond John FARMER, O’FLYNN, “Jimbles”David Alfred ANDREWS – aged 66 (place of birth: Radlett, Herts - HMRC)Offences: Accused of being the principal figure of a drug-trafficking organisation thatbetween 2000 and 2003 conspired to import commercial quantities of cocaine into theUK from South America through the use of corrupt Heathrow Airport employees.Description: 5’11” tall, grey collar length hair, large build, clean shaven.Jason Richard GULLIFORD - aged 36 (place of birth: Lincoln – Nottinghamshire Police)Offences: On 30 April 2003 it is alleged that Gulliford stabbed Neil James Dodd with ascrewdriver over a suspected drugs debt – wounding with intent contrary to Section 18Offenses Against the Person Act 1861 – life imprisonment.Aliases and nicknames: John ANDREWS; Jason Culver PRICE
Description: 6’ x 3” tall (m: 191), heavy build, dark brown hair, tattoo on right arm of ablack panther, tattoo on left shoulder of a black pantherNoel Francis CUNNINGHAM – aged 46 (place of birth: London) Metropolitan PoliceOffences: Conspiracy to rob, conspiracy to steal, having an offensive weapon, handlingstolen goods, escape, wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm, wounding/inflictinggrievous bodily harm with intent, possessing firearm with intent.Description: M1.78 tall, white European appearance, blue eyesDaniel Paul JOHNSTON - aged 27 (place of birth: Burton on Trent) – DerbyshireConstabularyOffences: Between September 2004 and January 2006 Johnston is wanted for carryingtwo robberies, one attempted robbery and one theft in licensed stores in Derbyshire,usually armed with a knife.Description: White male, M175 tall, medium build, blue eyes, short mousey hair, tattooon left arm of a Celtic band, tattoo on left arm of a tribal band, tattoo of letters‘KAINE’ in Celtic writing on abdomen. Johnston is believed to have links in the Malagaregion.Allan James FOSTER – aged 31 (place of birth: South Shields)- Northumbria PoliceOffences: It is alleged that Foster murdered David “Noddy” Rice in Marsden Bay CarPark, South Shields on 24 May 2006. Foster is also wanted for two offences of conspiringto supply controlled drugs and also for the theft of a diamond ring.Description: White European male of mixed race, 5’ x 8” tall, slim build, brown eyes,short black hair, no distinctive marks known. Has links to Canary Islands and Majorca.Scott COLEMAN – aged 33 (place of birth: Liverpool) Grampian PoliceOffences: In 2003 in Aberdeen, Coleman was arrested and charged with possession withintent to supply 2.87 kg of heroin.Description: 6’ x 2” tall, medium build, short brown hair, blue eyes, tattoo of bulldogtattooed on centre of back, Liverpool FC crest tattooed on right leg, lips tattooed onbuttocks. Has links to Benidorm.Keith Brian BURKE – aged 47 (place of birth: Halifax) South Yorkshire PoliceOffenses: Burke was involved in a violent assault that took place in the toilets of “TheTop Club” bar in Edlington, Doncaster on 8 July 2001. He was convicted and sentencedto three years imprisonment for affray.
Description: M173 tall, blue eyes, bald head, dark brown goatee beard, tattoo on rightneck of a devil, tattoo on left side of neck of a swallow.Nicknames: Tattooed KeithJohn BARTON – aged 52 (place of birth: Mansfield) - HMRCOffences: Barton was sentences to 20 years imprisonment in 2003 after being convicted,in his absence, in relation to an offence of conspiring to import a commercial amount ofheroin into the UK between 1999 and 2000.Description: White male, 5’8” tall, medium build, receding dyed brown hair, naturalgrey colour, Midlands accentJohn Cearney BARKER – aged 50 (place of birth: Irvine, Ayrshire) - Strathclyde PoliceOffences: Barker is wanted under two European Arrest Warrants for trafficking incocaine and amphetamine to the value of over £110,000 in 1998 and 1999 withinScotland.Description: 5’11” tall, stocky build, fair hair, blue eyes with a squint to the right eye.Has links with Tenerife.Aliases and nicknames: John Cairney BARKER; John Clearney BARKER, “Jock”Operation Captura arrests to dateJames HURLEY – convicted killer of a police-man who escaped custody in 1994. He wascirculated in the crimestoppers release in Spain and was eventually arrested last year inThe Netherlands for drug offences. (Herts – Metropolitan Police Service)Ian WHITE – tobacco smuggler who masterminded a £6million VAT scam, arrested inSpain. He was tried, convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment in his absenceon the 11th March 2004. He was also ordered to pay confiscation in the sum of£6,151,841.19 or serve ten years imprisonment in default. He was returned to the UKon the 20th September 2007 and appeared before Maidstone Crown Court on the 21stSeptember 2007. From there he was sent to prison to start serving his sentence. (Essex- HMRC)Anthony SIMMONDS – wanted for importing large quantities of cannabis from Spain andcheating VAT of £4million. Arrested in Spain in December 2006. He was returned to theUK 3 Jan 2007. He was produced at Maidstone Crown Court on 4 Jan 2007 and hissentence of 3 years imprisonment was confirmed. He was given a 3 monthimprisonment in respect of the absconding, which is to be served consecutively. He wassent to prison to start serving his sentence. (Birmingham - HMRC)
Clifford HOBBS – escaped in custody on his way to court in London where he was tostand trial for the theft of £1.25million from a security van. Arrested in Spain andreturned to the UK in August 2007. Trial commenced. NB Not for publication orbroadcast - reporting restrictions in place regarding the jury, please check withWoolwich Crown Court if any questions. (London – Metropolitan Police)Dante LATRECHE – wanted for credit card fraud. Arrested in UK in 2007. Receivedsuspended prison sentence. (Luton – Metropolitan Police Service)John DOWDALL - wanted for importing large quantities of cannabis from Spain in 2003.He was tried, convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment in his absence on the17th May 2005. Arrested in Spain. He was returned to the UK on 27th September 2007.He then appeared before Canterbury Crown Court, where he pleaded guilty to a Bail ActOffence. He was sentenced to a further four months imprisonment, which is to runconsecutively to the sentence of five years imprisonment. (Surrey - HMRC)Markcus JAMAL – wanted for conspiracy for murder of Nageeb El Hakem in 2005.Arrested in Spain. Returned to the UK in January 2007. Trial currently underway atSheffield Crown Court. NB Not for publication or broadcast – no reporting restrictionsin place. (Sheffield – South Yorkshire Police).John SETON – wanted for the murder of Jon Bartlett in March 2006. Arrested in TheNetherlands. Returned to the UK in May 2007. Trial due in Spring 2008.(Kent – Metropolitan Police Service).Notes to editors1. Crimestoppers is an independent charity dedicated to solving crimes and takingcriminals off the streets. Around 17 people are arrested and charged every day asa result of information given to Crimestoppers. One person every five days ischarged with murder.Since Crimestoppers began in 1988, it has received 960,000 actionable calls,resulting in nearly 83,000 arrests and charges. Over £100 million worth ofproperty has been recovered and over £144 million worth of drugs.Crimestoppers UK was founded by Lord Ashcroft KCMG, Chairman of Trustees. In1988, he launched Crimestoppers in the Metropolitan Police area. Crimestoppersis built on a three-way partnership between the business community, the policeand the media.2. The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is an intelligence-led agency formed inApril 2006 to tackle Class A drugs and organised immigration crime as toppriorities. Other priorities are fraud against individuals and the private sector, hitech crime, counterfeiting, the use of firearms, serious robbery and recovery ofthe proceeds of crime.



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