The local police from Sevilla together with the International Police Association, IPA, have been helping in the search, concentrated on marshland next to the Odiel river where an earlier search of the area revealed nothing. Five shallow bottomed boats supplied by
SOS Ayuda Sin Fronteras are being used in the work.
Meanwhile the neighbours of the family of the missing child held a meeting in the Plaza Rosa in the El Torrejón area of Huelva. The meeting was called to organise more search parties which will work in collaboration with the official search and police investigation. No statement has been made today as to whether the police now have a main line of enquiry in the case or not.
Local rubbish tips were at the centre of the searches on Friday, including the main local treatment plant on the road between La Palma del Condado and Valverde del Camino.
Divers have also been searching in the nearby Tinto river.
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